Monday, June 19, 2023

Children: Ain't Yers Buddy, stay in Yer Lane

The Demonocrats have been endeavoring to change the definition of "children" for some time now, and in several significant ways.  

One angle they've been chipping away at in earnest -- the creational and Christian one, BTW -- is to tear apart who is the caretaker for this category of human we all call "child"?  Is it unelected goobers and gooberettes in our seedy civil government bureaucracies?  Or is it the two covenantally bound adult humans that God Almighty assigned to cause the child to show-up in the big world: a male who sired the child, and a female who gave birth to the baby human?    

I recently wrote of the serious nature of this deranged madness HERE  and HERE.  

And here we have below, the Resident in the White House continuing his relentless advance of foisting his devilish concept of each kid -- in this corpse called United STATE -- being "all our kids".  You may have already seen this imbecilic video from the Biden administration, but if not, here it is.

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