Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Philistinian Government Schools: Needing Life Rafts or Cinder Blocks?

This below was from the National Education Association's Twitter account on November 12th.

Educators love their students and know better than anyone what they need to learn and to thrive.

Yeah, pitiful, but this is the eventual, and inevitable outcome of practical atheism.  The State school system has become an utter garbage dump, and it'll only get worse, which is just another consequence of rebelling against the creational order: i.e. parents are given children by God to nurture and disciple, and teachers and/or schools are only there as a discretionary option for parents.  Thereby, both abiding in their lawful, creational place. 

Satan hates that though and attempts to tear families apart, and this is just another sortie (Matt 16.18) that disciples of the King must counter, repel and defeat.

And here below, just to show that this dogma -- i.e. that children belong to the civil government -- is, well, systemic within the halls of Humanism, is a picture I took up here in NorIda outside one of our humanist elementary schools.

Ladies and gentlemen, words and language matter, and being precise with it matters.  Subtle and "loving" doesn't change the primary message conveyed above.  If you doubt that, and think language is superfluous and I'm jus' being nit-picky, you need to read Matthew 12:36 "Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment." and tuck Luke 9:26 in there for good measure.  Then read the Communist Manifesto and see their desire to control the words in a given culture.  Then read Animal Farm by Orwell, but start with The Abolition of Man by Lewis and see how he dismantles the idea that you shouldn't be concerned about a couple of words.

We, the People of Christ, continue to save this godless Philistine system of education with life raft after life raft when what we need to hand them are cinder blocks (Matthew 18:6), and sink that bastard system into the deepest crack the ocean has to offer.

More to follow on this, and specifically I'd like to address the misguided ideas of some Christians who are actively promoting God's people to aid and help the Halls of Humanism stay open.

In the meantime read my "All Education is Religious" and "A Letter Concerning Christian Education" to get some more insight.  

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