Wednesday, June 21, 2023

RePost: Ease & Mammon #11

#11 --  Put a stop to supporting, funding or shopping at a business that is anti-Christ

If a business or company is openly and publicly against the Savior we must stop financing it / them.  JUST STOP.  No matter how convenient or how "nice" they are, or how low their prices are, JUST STOP.

Now, many stores and businesses we buy from we have no idea what or who they support, but many we know for certain what they are, or have been, up to, and that they are not with the King (i.e. Costco, Target, Starbucks).  If you continue to patronize that business with the knowledge of the truth you are guilty of aiding the Enemy.  You just are, period.  Should I go on?  Too straight forward?  Not "nice"?

Please reference Ease & Mammon 3 to get the full background as to why I'm suggesting this measure.

Originally posted October 1, 2016

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