Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Well, well... more Tax Supported Statist Dogma

More Statist religious doctrine just showed up in my mail box yesterday on a tax supported postcard claiming headship and responsibility over the local children in the families of the community.

The humanist catechetical indoctrination has run so deep and so wide, for so long, through generations of Government education that Its language has become "scripture" to the pagan, and to a large extent, Christian culture.  
       So even in a "conservative", traditionally American area such as North Idaho the local Government schools have begun using overt language of "ownership" over children in Its area without qualification or shame.  This is systemic and becoming mainstream as the dominant religion of Statism becomes more and more accepted.  

And even our Resident in the White House is speaking frankly and publicly concerning the State's  claim over children within Its borders:

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