Friday, May 5, 2023

RePost: Ease & Mammon #8

 #8 --  Rethink sending your Children to a State College  

They may be cheaper, but they're a bastion of demons.  Let's all wake up and smell the wickedness, seriously.  

Let me ask you: Is that secondary Hall of Humanism you're wanting to send your child to, is it openly acknowledging Yeshua the KING to be The Way, and in whom all The Truth derives from, and by whom the Life on this planet exists for?  Hmm? Is it?
       As the Word declares, it is He -- the Messiah -- who must be held up constantly and thoroughly as the One for and by "all things were created that are in Heaven and that are on Earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.  And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist." (Colosians 1:16-17)  
        And if the institution in question isn't -- and, it isn't -- than you need to take another course of action. And you may be thinking, "Gee willikers, that can go for any government schooling, can't it?"  Yes. It. Can. And. Yes. It. Does.  
        Now, if this seems to you to be straining gnats, and nothing more than some pietistic exercise on my part, and you're not quite sure why complete surrender to Jesus is required, and compromising syncretism is wicked and disobedient....   
       Well, than let me be the first in your life to inform you that the tax payers undoubtedly "got their moneys worth" with you, and the time you spent being catechized in humanist doctrine all those years was a thoroughly complete success and really "worked".

And, please, for the love of God Almighty, please do not rationalize the whole undertaking by covering it with grey haze of "but there are Christian professors" at the Philistinian government university.  Really?  There are?  Let's say it slow:  C-h-r-i-s-t-i-a-n professors being paid to work at a Cannanite college.
        Ah, yes, yes, isn't that exactly what we need more of?  Yes, more people who profess to be a Christ follower but have voluntarily complied to be paid not to speak as one.  And what, pray-tell, is precisely "christian" about that?

And, by-the-way, make damn sure the "christian" college you're considering actually is what is says it is (i.e. christian), because 7 outta 10 aren't.   And, seriously, the debt alone is flat out nuts.  Our generation of fathers and mothers may have to make the difficult choice of just not having our children go on to college at all. We may have to start apprenticeships and teaching rigorous ways of self-learning (cue the screams...).  

Our times are dark and bizarre, but this doesn't mean hand-wringing and whining though; rather it calls for wise, bold, radical steps as we follow our Savior.  

ALL for Christ.

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