Monday, September 6, 2021

Once Again Idaho Citizens are Deceived by Boondoggle Brad

My governor of Idaho, Brad Little, is openly lying.  He recently had a major press release on August 31, 2021 where he stated:

"Nearly all Idaho hospitals are overwhelmed with unvaccinated COVID-19 patients. There are more Idahoans in Intensive Care Units (ICU) with COVID-19 than ever before. The vast majority of them are unvaccinated.

“On a daily call with hospitals this morning, we heard there are only FOUR adult ICU beds available in the entire state, out of close to 400. Where hospitals have converted other spaces to be used as contingency ICU beds, those are filling up too,” Governor Little said. 

Below you can see my screen shots from US Health and Human Services for Idaho that shows only 14% of inpatient beds are Covid folks.  

Second screenshot below is ICU beds in Idaho.  318 beds, 165 are Covid folks or 52%; and only 84% are being used.  That isn't "overwhelmed" and there isn't only "FOUR" available as Boondoggle Brad states.  See the data HERE at HHS.  

This isn't the first time Boondoggle Brad has lied about this either.  See my documentation on an earlier blogpost of mine from December 9, 2020 entitled "No, Idaho, Your Hospitals are not Jammed with COVIDers"

This man is a reprehensible public servant who not only is, and has been, deceiving the public, but has quietly subverted and undermined both the US and Idaho Constitutions all without consequence (find that HERE and HERE).  He is a GOB (good ol' boy) CronyCon who is locked in the Boise Bubble, enlarging the size of Idaho's bureaucratic civil government through the pyretic dispensing of Federal funny money from the CARES Act.  This is nothing more than Marxist Management techniques.  

He MUST be held accountable and replaced!

Screenshot on 9/4/21

Screenshot on 9/4/21

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