Friday, April 24, 2020

The Crisis that Wasn't: My Four Reasons Opposing Governor Little's Lockdown in my Letter to our Idaho Leaders

First, I want to thank you for all that you do in your leadership role as my ____________________  in our grand state of Idaho. I’m certain you’re quite busy with your normal responsibilities, and unfortunately, you’re now likely spending more of that precious time dealing with this COVID-19 flu fiasco as it's sadly eating up more of all our time and wealth.
            So, knowing time is valuable, I’ll get straight to the point.   I’m writing you today in order to apprise you, as forcefully as I can, of my deep disapproval and utter abhorrence concerning the recent lockdown actions taken by Governor Little, and then further aided by our state’s civil government agencies and administrations regarding this fabricated, self-inflicted, faux crisis over COVID-19.
            Clearly, I am not denying that there is a real, true-blue new variant of the influenza virus making its rounds in our nation, state, and towns.  I am completely outraged though at seeing the enactment of unnecessary, overweening political measures being foisted upon a healthy CITIZENRY because of a simple, natural virus the likes of which mankind has been rationally dealing with for 6,000 plus years.  In other words, “social distancing” is not a new, brilliant idea of the Elites just because one of them concocted a fresh term for us to use to describe mankind’s historically well-established interaction with viruses and sickness.   Frankly, this is intellectually embarrassing to watch, and is an insult to the character and principles of Idaho.  
            Further, the prophecies concerning mass death and overburdened hospitals provided by the great and vague god SCIENCE (accompanied by one of his many wives, the ever fickle HEALTH) and declared to everyone by his priests – which got us into this mess – not only utterly failed, but should never have been the primary rationale for forcing Idahoans, with the corona flu or not, to be ordered to stay in their homes! (“From the beginning, I stated my commitment to making decisions about our response to coronavirus based on science." Gov. Little, Emergency Declaration speech March 25, 2020).  The use of socialistic schemes to centrally plan the lives and wealth of a citizenry by bowing down to the capricious god SCIENCE will only bring us swiftly, and with certainty, into a dystopian nightmare.  This should be directly resisted with all we have, and should never be the dominant basis for political decisions in the lives of the people of Idaho.
            Thankfully though, in truth, we never actually were standing on the precipice of Hell concerning this flu bug, nor did it ever have the characteristics of some freaky mongrel virus.  Despite those facts, our leaders ignored common-sense and historical experience, and capitulated to hysterical mob-think all the while snuggling-up with Marxist emergency “management”.  This prompted Governor Little to announce his “extreme” peril and emergency declaration which clearly ignored the US Constitution’s First Amendment which guarantees – with NO qualifications – US citizens the “right of the people peaceably to assemble”.  This move was nefarious in my view, and inappropriate for a governor over the citizens of Idaho.  But, there’s more.
            As I know you are aware, the Bill of Rights is part of the foundation and subtext for our Idaho Constitution, and to assert – as our Attorney General Wasden has casually done – that our Idaho Constitution has usurpation capabilities built into it is absurd, and is shameful demagoguery with the laws of our state.  To say it another way: there is no possible way that there exists, in our Idaho Constitution or Statutes, an allowance for our governor to abrogate our First Amendment’s right to peaceably assemble.
            And to throw some more garbage on this already growing pile, Governor Little didn’t even meet the standards that he claimed gave him the authority to do such a thing and declare an extreme emergency on March 13th nor the one amended on the 25th, which forced his law-edict upon all Idahoans to shelter in place (Statute 46-601 and Statute 46-1008).  
            Looking at Statute 46-601(1) it clearly states that there must be the “existence of conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property” in Idaho.  In other words, conditions in Bangladesh, Wuhan, or New York do not direct or determine our state’s action of laws. The decision for action or not must be based on the conditions occurring in IDAHO; and at the end of March, that condition of extreme peril did not exist, and currently still does not.  Our governor jumped into action due to conditions everywhere else but Idaho!  “Ready, Fire, Aim!”
            Governor Little also cites Statute 46-1008 “Militia and Military Affairs”.  That was strange due to the fact that it had very little to add to the situation.  I have my guess why this statue was thrown into the mix, and much of it has to do with that intimidating word “military”.  Aside from that though, there is nothing whatsoever about sheltering or quarantine, only about the governor’s ability to “Direct and compel the evacuation of all or part of the population from any stricken or threatened area within the state…”.  
            The Governor cites only those two statutes to justify his emergency declaration order, and doesn’t mention Statute 56-1003 which has to do with the Department of Health and Welfare, and the authority to isolate and quarantine limited groups of people and/or areas within the state for a limited time. To do so, the directive must go to a “judicial review” and the “court may affirm, reverse or modify the order” (56-1003(7a).  Again, this presupposes a limited area that’s within the state, and for a limited time.    
            Finally, while all of the above is extremely troubling and a grievous misuse of Idaho law, what is most disturbing is nearly nothing has been said concerning the normal, physical gathering and worship of Christian congregations. It’s becoming more and more obvious that Governor Little is intentionally ignoring this subject, and his brazen disregard to address it is a disgrace! 
            To worship the triune Creator – Father, Jesus, and Spirit – by congregating with other disciples of Jesus on the Lord’s Day is not only a Christian’s desire and calling, but is also  secured in our God-ordained liberties enshrined in the First Amendment: the rights to peaceably gather, and to openly exercise our convictions of religion.  All that coupled with the assurance that no law can be imagined or fabricated to prohibit that from happening; and yet, through his unlawful declaration and power-grab this is precisely what the Governor did.  He has, and is, undermining both the U.S. and Idaho Constitutions, and too, breaking his vow to support those rights (Statute 59-401).  This needs to stop immediately.
            In conclusion, this suicidal stay-at-home order must be ended without delay because of its ludicrous and irrational nature, its destruction of the wealth of Idaho’s families, it is completely unbecoming of Idaho, and in the final analysis, it is unlawful and must be put to a full stop.  I urge you to stand up and be a voice of opposition to this foolishness.  Our liberties are being fundamentally changed, ignored, and trampled right before our eyes by the ideologies of the messianic, nanny State.  And THAT is the real crisis.

Most sincerely,
Corey Ankeny

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