Wednesday, December 9, 2020

No, Idaho, Your Hospitals are not Jammed with COVIDers

Since autumn of this year the ongoing rhetorical blather from my Idaho governor, Brad Little -- in order to keep us in an "emergency" state and keep The Fed's fiat cash flooding in -- has been that our states health care "system" is nearing emergency capacity, or...well, um, ya know...might be.  He never seems to be too certain.  During the press conferences that I've witnessed he always asks some lady doctor with a mullet to explain the ongoing distress. He never seems to know.  How this guy has gotten to the position of governor of our amazing state is in itself amazing.  He just seems utterly clueless a goodly portion of the time.  This good ol' boy just got in with the right people at the right time is the only thing I can figure. 

I digress.  Moving on...   I had checked on Idaho Public Health dashboard several weeks ago the last time Governor Little had come out with his bi-weekly shaming email to let us know that we're all incompetent boobs, and not loving one-another enough because "cases" had gone up a fraction.  What I found on that site is that we were no where near the brink of Hell.  No. Where. Near.  All this info is for public viewing.  It's not difficult to see he's either a liar or people are lying to him.  In other words, it isn't in the "oops" category.

And here is the most recent update at the US Dept of Health & Human Services (HHS)

State Name: Idaho

- Total Inpatient Beds: 3604

- Total ICU Beds: 513

- Inpatient Beds Used: 60.93%

Inpatients with COVID: 14.39%

- ICU Bed Utilization: 78.67%

- # ICU Beds Used: 225

- # Inpatient Beds Used: 1901

- # Inpatient Beds Used COVID: 449

- Last Updated: 12/9/2020, 5:15 AM

What we have going on here is not crowds of COVIDers converging on every hospital, but rather, what is stressing the system is health care workers out of work due either to contracting the corona crud, or perhaps being in a room with someone who may have at one time thought they may have met a person who thought they may have had the corona but weren't sure, and so, ya know, society says you gotta get the corny test.  

This, of course, puts that person out of work "quarantining" and waiting on the test result for several days, or perhaps truly sick and they must be away from their job -- sick for all of that time or not -- for two weeks.  And we know this is a pretty sweet idea because when 99.5% of all people are alive and kicking after encountering the corona flu bug... Well!, my gracious! that means, hmm, well, mathematically I guess it means that, well,  that person will decidedly not die. Not even close.  

Matter of fact, what actually happened is that person got a physical "upgrade" and is now resistant to a disease that won't bother him the next time he encounters it.  That's a pretty cool "design feature" of the Creator's in my opinion!   

Unfortunately, these capricious, half-wit, marxist mangement decisions are what are really hamstringing the healthcare system and not the folks supposedly flooding in with the corona flu.

Just keep it in mind.  Don't be fooled.  Herald the truth. 

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