Sunday, September 5, 2021

Remember, the Covid Juice is now only Helpful

Just another one...

(Above is from the Epoch Times August 25-31, 2021 edition)

Remember, Science's ("All Bow!") Covid juice, er, vaccine has evolved -- like its god (Psalm 115:4-8) -- from being 94.1% "highly effective" in preventing the contracting of Covid-19 to..... The Vaccine will help you not get as sick as you will be getting.

Ah, the everchanging, always uncertain god, Science ("All Bow!").

Find the info from this screenshot at the NIH web page

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Update 9/17/21:  Now they are at least openly admitting it.  Pfizer presented to the FDA and admitted it (see page 6) that, yeah, the experimental elixir is good for only 6-8 months.  See the report at Epoch Times

Update 10/3/21:  Another study released at bioRxiv shows a drop in efficacy after four to six months.  Find the story at Epoch Times.

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