Let's get this CronyCon, G.O.B (good ol' boy) engine revved-up and ready to roll, shall we?
Brad Little is shown here in this video below to publicly lie about his Covid emergency orders. Emergency orders that termed the public worship of God Almighty to be "unessential" and which officially closed Christian buildings to congregate for times of fellowship and worshipping the King! ! ! (and one more) !
As he said on Idaho Public Television on April 7th, 2020 during Q&A with callers and Dave Jeppesen, director of Idaho Health & Welfare, "“I never, ever thought in my whole life that I’d be attending Communion via Zoom on Easter Sunday,” he said, “but it’s the right thing to do for the state.”
And, with a new flavor of cheese called Smarm, he tweeted on Good Friday April 10th, 2020: "With coronavirus, we must keep our faith as well as keep our distance.”
Dear Christian, these dreadful, misguided and ingratiating actions and words alone should stop any thoughts of casting a vote for this poser, but rest assured I have plenty more to chill your heart.
Referring to the Covid Shamdemic, it was a high stakes scam from the beginning. He declared an "extreme emergency" in Idaho when there wasn't even ONE Covid death (maybe one but it's irrelevant, see my letter I published on my blog: The Crisis that Wasn't) . But now, he wants to use double-speak and somehow wants us to believe -- apparently -- that those lockdown orders must have been given by his evil twin brother, or Janice McGeachin maybe, anyone else but him. This is a picture of what a CronyCon looks like.
That emergency order in March 2020 was, well, supposed to be about an EMERGENCY of a contagion, and we were told we couldn't travel or leave our house because a virus was going to kill us all. BUT now, according to Little, it wasn't about that at all, oh no no, you corn-pone! No, rather what the "emergency" -- that dragged on for two years -- was about was to serve "as an administrative function to recoup FEMA dollars for a variety of needs throughout Idaho." FEMA? Recoup? Huh?! What happened to all those hounds of Hell that he assured us were unleashed on Idaho? That wasn't the main reason? But that's the only reason he lawfully could have decreed an extreme emergency, not to grab FEMA fiat largesse.
Finally, he also resisted any legislative restraint on his power to lockdown, er...no, whoops! he said he doesn't do that, even though he didn't ever want be stopped from doing that-thar lockdown thing again.
In other words, "I didn't do it, but I'll do it again and you better not put restraints in place to stop me." Check out a April 2021 article at The Blaze if you don't recall this malarkey: Idaho Gov. Brad Little Thinks 60 days of Dictatorial Power are not Enough for Him
More to come on Boondoggle Brad. Trust me.
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