Gov. Brad Little has pompously declined to participate in any public debates leading up to the governor election with Ammon Bundy (HERE) thereby communicating that he is simply above our historic American and Constitutional means of common election.
This resembles the actions and demeaner of an oligarch or a plutocrat, and not an elected "minister", or servant (Romans 13.4-6), whom is selected by the people under our principally biblical Constitution.
All those electing him deserve to hear him publicly defend his record and articulate his views that he wants to play-out into the lives of millions of Idahoans. He cannot be allowed to simply duck and hide and have his campaign reps write and speak and cover for him.
We don't want talking points from those who work for him, we want to hear him explain how and in what ways he'll serve the people as governor.
We want him to face the fire of defending his outrageous, unwarranted and damaging lockdown declarations. We want him to defend his superstitious and irrational "follow the Science" idiocy that foisted us all in Idaho into wearing dehumanizing Covidian face diapers and approving of poisonous Covid jabs. And on, and on, and on. He needs to publicly stand, like a man, and be accountable to the people he is ministering to. We are not voting for his handlers we are voting for him, and we deserve to hear him argue for his decisions past and future.
This is a genuinely alarming trend and Idahoans shouldn't let it go a step further! Election debates are an invaluable accountability structure that should not be done away with! It keeps politicians on public record, and too, it keeps them always knowing they must be tested and examined every two or four years. That works in them a healthy fear and restrains them from becoming aloof, disconnected tyrants.
Brad Little doesn't appear to embrace any of this.
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