Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Reason #3 not to Vote for CronyCon Brad Little

Another reason not to vote for Brad Little for governor of Idaho.

Brad loves his Halls of Humanism (i.e. public schools)  

Under Brad "Boondoggle" Little -- an avowed Christian -- taxpayer funding for the State's support of religious, humanist education (practical atheism) will continue unabated, and in fact will be bolstered with more money thrown at it than ever before in the history of Idaho.   O YEA! 

From his press release April 7, 2022 he mentioned that "K-12 funding will increase by $300 million, the single largest increase in state history, which amounts to a 12.5-percent increase over FY22."

Let that sink-in... +$300 million over the prior year!?  And, then on September 1st, 2022 he signed a "Special Session" increase of an addition $410 million on top of the 300M!  

This governor, along with our legislature, piles all this largesse on our humanist inculcation centers heedless of the fact that they are already flush with budget surpluses with a combined total of 1.1 billion (yes, B) as reported through the Dept of Idaho Education as of June 2021.

How on Christ's green Earth can this even remotely be considered in the same stratosphere of what is labeled "conservative"?  

And, just for the moment, let's set aside this man's clear infidelity to Scripture concerning the undermining of Christ's Kingdom, and ask: Where is the conservative principal of accountability through smaller, less intrusive, less centralized civil government in all this?  

Here below is a pic from his Twitter page on June 3, 2022, and on it his first line is:  "Since day one, I've made education my top priority."   

And when he says "education" he means Christless, humanist education which is public schooling.

THAT, he says, is his "top priority"?!

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