-- Martin Luther (apocryphal)
In Christ's wise, patient, and providential dealings with His Ekklesia, He'll sometimes use unbelieving or unconventional people or groups to discipline and humble us through shame. (Uriah the Hittite, 1st Sam. 11 -- Cornelius the Roman, Acts 10 -- Abimelech and Abraham, Genesis 20 -- The centurion of great faith, Matthew 8 -- Ethnic Israelites in the 1st century watching Gentiles come into true Israel (Yeshua), Romans 11)
He'll essentially convict us by giving us a front seat to observe one of those entities doing what we Christians should be doing for our Master, but haven't due to negligence or pure disobedience. These people can serve as a reminder for us of our duties, and can be akin to receiving a well needed "kick in the arse" to wake us -- individually or as His People -- up to our perennial task of serving Christ in loving faithfulness when we haven't been.
This seems to be at the heart of what is transpiring before our eyes concerning our next choice of who will lead Idaho. We have a choice between a principled, old-school conservative Mormon in Ammon Bundy, who in all public respects, lives and speaks like a historic Christian would and should, or Brad Little, who is a professed Christian of some stripe, but acts and speaks -- poorly, I might add-- like a CronyCon, statist, Christ-dishonoring fool.
In the next several posts I'll show you why I'm voting for the "wise Turk" and not the hypocritical Christian fool.
In the mean-time, take a trip over to Bundy's website and feast your eyes on his:
Or read through this Q & A with Ammon over at the Gem State Patriot News
Or see his acting on display on YouTube: Woke Cult
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