Monday, March 13, 2023

RePost: Ease & Mammon #1

I'm reposting this series "Ease & Mammon" because I believe they are more crucially important now than seven years ago.  I have 17 total, and I'll rerelease them bit by bit.  I pray that Christ uses these posts to bless and move His People -- me and mine included -- to greater zeal and faithfulness through the reading of them.  

All for Christ!

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"If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the Word of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Him. Where the battle rages there the loyalty of the soldier is proved; and to be steady on all the battle front besides, is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point."                              
              -- attributed to Martin Luther

Ah, okay…so here’s the thing... when one's Providentially appointed minister-servant (Romans 12.3-6) who is your nation's representative to the known world (that is, Barry Obama) is openly and publicly rejoicing over the fact that sodomy is now a lawful and protected way of U.S. culture (Stick a Fork in Us), be certain of it: you have hit the friggin’ bottom.  

To ignore it or to deny it by talking incessantly about the good ol’ Founder days, or perhaps pointing to some aspect of U.S. culture still intact and not completely deplorable is, in the first case, irresponsible, and in the second, imbecilic and nearly psychotic. We simply cannot continue on blithely ignoring the overt flames of evil that are burning all around us.

And that is exactly what is happening.  Our house IS ON FIRE and is burning down and we still have Christian people in the house denying the flames and the heat!  

Some do it by nostalgically hearkening back to the days when the house had just been built, back before the fire started.

Others – and these are the worst of the two – do it by continuing to go about their normal, daily (and yearly...) routines ignoring the flames by sentimentally and emotionally pointing out a few of the valuable items, or rooms, in the house that have not burned YET. Many of these people seem to recognize that those things will eventually burn but they’ve convince themselves otherwise for the time being.  Most, sadly, do this in order that they may continue to live in ease and mammon as long as possible.  Ease and mammon...ease and mammon…rocky, rocky...go to sleep...

On fire.  Christians all need to get out of the "house", but when we do we don't run for the hills and isolate ourselves (i.e. monasticism).  Rather, we turn and run back with WATER, that is to say, King Jesus and His Gospel-word for All of Life (not just for all our little pea-pickin' gnostic hearts)  because that is exactly when we are needed most.

In the posts ahead I hope to lay out simple, encouraging ideas we can perhaps pray and work on to spread the Kingdom even more than it already is, and in doing so help calm our hearts, cast out fear, and send a tremor of dread through Satan as he hears the sound of splitting wood at his front gate.

"Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter."  (Proverbs 24.11)

Originally posted July 22, 2015

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