Tuesday, March 14, 2023

RePost: Ease and Mammon #2

I had mentioned quite awhile back in a previous post that our current United States culture, or society, is a house burning down around us. I say this as an sanguine optimillienalist and not as a apocalyptist.

In other words, I think we are in -- and heading straight for -- extremely dire times, BUT this period of US history right now is NOT a portend to the End! Of! The! World!  Rather it is a loving, merciful correction from our King exposing our disobedience; which, I believe, will lead to repentance and a turning away from our sin to embracing Him more faithfully and with more maturity (please understand that doesn't mean immediately, but in the years following).

We must face this oncoming problem squarely, and be Word-centered, which actually means being logical and clear.

So, briefly, I'd like to write about what is this culture, this "house", we're in that I'm referring to.  So, to start off I think we need to have a definition of "culture".

The culture of any group of people -- big, medium or tiny -- is always the externalized manifestation of that group's religion. In other words, religion isn't just one part or an aspect of culture. No. Religion creates culture, and by "culture" I mean the life and manifestations of either a tightly organized nation or a carefree Lion's Club.  All groupings of people have a culture and that outer "shell" is formed from the inner heart-adherence to what that group loosely, or deliberately worships (serves).

Currently, our culture has shown its religion by confidently turning it's back on the Messiah-king (that'd be Jesus) and embracing any passing idol it can grab ahold of just as long as it isn't serving the King. At present, the primary demon-idol being worshiped in the US is the STATE, or Civil Government. (It's kinda like Zeus with many other secondary idols being worshiped).

Now, also, I mentioned in the prior post that I believe Christian believers need to "get out" of and get free of this burning building, but I don't say that so we can hoof-it to caves of isolation in order to wait for the pre-, mid-, or post-tribulation rapture (which is a figment of protestant hermeneutical imagination anyway), but rather we "get out" so that we then are able to purge our lives and shake free from the corruptions of our culture, that, Yes, you and I have willing adsorbed into our lives and families.  After that though, we grab "buckets" to run back with life giving WATER to quench the flames in order that we can rebuild with that Living WATER.

I believe that the true, Spirit led People of the Way can, and will, do this in every way possible (i.e. example, action, words), and by all grades of influence (small, anonymous, grand), and concerning all of life too, either material or immaterial (i.e. economics, food, creation care, prayer, child discipleship, insurance, marriage, jobs, civil government, etc.).  In other words, it doesn't stop at your heart and the ever-vague and ambiguous "spiritual" realm.  To work with your hands in Faith IS spiritual.  To speak wisdom in Faith IS spiritual.  To raise your children in Faith IS spiritual.  The airy fairy, mystical "spirit" hubris really must go!

Another way of saying this would be that through Holy Spirit's unfailing grace, we tear and break ourselves away from the corrupt System (i.e. "the world" or "city of man") around us and begin ministering to that culture by leading and teaching with, and through, the Word of the King.  That one, liberty Law-word that is authoritative in all things, and which -- incidentally -- addresses all things. This is another way of stating what Scripture says when it admonishes us to "Come out from among them and be separate" (2 Cor.6:14-18).

Bringing Heaven to Earth is the thing we should have been doing as the Teacher -- or the Discipler -- of this nation but we began to take side-long glances at the students and, it appears, we thought (for the last few generations now) that the students were having all the fun so we decided to flick-in the Teaching gig and pal around with the youths.  

Well, okay, so there's the set-up.  Now, what exactly does it look like to "get out" of the Burning House?   In other words, what does this mean practically in my life and your life on an every day basis in real-time and not in "yer heart"?

I'm just gonna throw out some simple ideas to "prime the pump" over the next several weeks.  Some will be considered crazy, others, I imagine, many of you may already be doing or have done.  Several of my suggestions will be directly connected to cutting the umbilical cord of dependence on the State (civil government in Federal, State and local jurisdictions), or to say it another way: STOP TAKING THE CHEESEThis is likely where I will upset some of you in internet land. So, please approach them with charity and a cool mind.

Please don't misunderstand.  My family and I are NOT doing all my suggestions at this time, and only some of them are we even starting on, so please keep in mind I'm "preaching to myself" as well.  This culture needs to be "cut" out of us, and I believe that by the Spirit working through the Sword (i.e. the Scriptures) it can be.  Our God normally works through creational means to accomplish this -- meaning it doesn't just "mystically" happen -- and hence why I offer up what I believe to be biblical, real-life suggestions that we can get to work on as the Word directs us to do.

I do hope they are encouraging ideas though, and ones that we can perhaps pray and work on to spread the Kingdom even more than it already is.  In doing so, I hope it helps calm our hearts, cast out fear, and send a tremor of dread through Satan as he hears the sound of axes splitting the wood of his front gate.   

Originally posted August 27, 2016

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