Saturday, October 22, 2022

Reason #7 not to Vote for CronyCon Brad Little (a list)

Again, this man locked Idaho down with his "stay at home" emergency orders, and unlawfully violated our First Amendment rights to peacefully gather and to worship Christ.  He has not repented nor apologized (they are two different things) for any of this, but instead has decided to lie and deceive Idahoans by saying he never "locked down" anyone and that "lock down" (that didn't happen, apparently) was never about a virus, No!, it was about collecting Federal, fiat money so we all could have a tax rebate!

Alright, as if that isn't enough, here's more reasons to buttress my case that Brad Little should not serve another day as our governor of this glorious state of Idaho.

He -- as though he were St. Nicholas himself -- has feverishly been distributing over this last year+ millions of dollars of FEMA windfall money without the Legislature's oversight nor approval.  That is completely unlawful, but Brad needs to get re-elected so....    nothing to see here.

~ During his time in office he has increased the food stamps program by 24.2% which is the highest increase during that time of all 50 states.

~ In September 2022 the queer community in Boise hosted a "Pride Festival" with plans for drag queen shows targeted for kids.  Thankfully the idea was abandoned due to community outrage over the plan, but our "Christian" governor never said one public statement concerning it.  Not one. One?  No, not one.

~ The pro-life bill, Fetal Heartbeat Preborn Child Protection Act (SB 1309) passed in March 2022, and it took "pro-life" Brad five full days to sign it.  He signed it on the very last day he lawfully could, and then he included an unprecedented, whiny proviso about how he thought it was mean to women and that Roe v. Wade was still the "law of the land"!  

~ In 2004 Senator Little was opposed to voting for a ban on gay mirage (yes, mirage).  And then in 2005 he actually voted against resolutions to amend the Idaho Constitution to define marriage as one man and one woman.  See the "Nays" for yourself at 2005: SJR 101 Marriage Amendment

And let me end with this, and I believe this is the nail in the coffin of this clown.
~ On 3/19/20, Governor Little was the first governor to place restrictions on hydroxychloroquine.  See the Statesman article here and this memo below.

With that I'm done.  

Vote Bundy to recover our state sovereignty, eliminate property taxes, decentralize and reduce the size and scope of Idaho's bureaucratic government, and start to turn us back to a free market, rule of law Republic with ministers who serve and are unafraid to be accountable to the people of Idaho!

May the Creator grant us mercy.   

All for Christ! 

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