Monday, September 20, 2021

Gov. Little: The Rich Fox in the Hen House

Great article by Bob "Nugie" Neugebauer over at Gem State Patriot News on our inept Idaho governor, Brad Little.  

A worthy read to keep perspective on this Fox (Luke 13:32) in the hen house.


I'm on Gov. Little's email letter and here's a handful of dates and headlines from last several months of Boondoggle Brad passing out the "free" Federal Reserve fiat cash like a fire hose.

September 21, 2021
Idaho directs more aid to hospitals overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients
Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little announced Idaho will direct an additional $10 million in relief dollars to address the growing needs in Idaho hospitals....
(and further down in the press release )
"Since the COVID-19 vaccine was made widely available in May, Governor Little and the State of Idaho have directed the following resources to expand hospital capacity during the public health crisis:
-- New funds to establish three new monoclonal antibody treatment facilities across Idaho, where patients can receive life-saving infusions and avoid a trip to the hospital. Hundreds of Idahoans have taken advantage of the treatments since July. There are 32 Idaho hospitals offering monoclonal antibodies in Idaho
-- By mobilizing the National Guard, deploying a military medical response team to North Idaho, and contracting with the federal government, up to 370 additional personnel were added to assist hospitals.
-- Total $7 million to hospitals to help relieve staffing shortages.
-- Total $4.5 million for primary care and urgent care entities that serve an important role in keeping people from becoming so ill they need to seek medical care at the hospital.
-- Total $8.5 million to preserve hospital capacity by increasing discharges from hospitals to skilled nursing facilities for COVID-19 positive patients.
-- $30 million toward expanded COVID-19 testing in Idaho K-12 schools to minimize virus transmission."

September 10, 2021
Gov. Little takes steps to expand pool of substitute teachers to support in-person learning
Boise, Idaho – Governor Little is putting $10 million toward new “Substitute Teacher Recruitment Grants”.....

August 26, 2021
Gov. Little launches COVID-19 antibody treatment centers
Boise, Idaho -- Governor Little said he is directing $10 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to address constraints and emerging needs in Idaho hospitals and skilled nursing facilities. ....

August 20, 2021
Gov. Little takes steps to protect Coeur d’Alene Lake
Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little announced today he is establishing a new Coeur d’Alene Lake Advisory Committee to improve and protect the health of North Idaho’s iconic water body.
       The formation of the committee is part of Governor Little’s Building Idaho’s Future initiative, which directs $2 million to be spent on projects that reduce nutrients in the lake from sources throughout the Coeur d’Alene Basin.

July 14, 2021
State police start receiving $1,000 “Defend the Police” bonuses
Boise, Idaho – Hundreds of frontline Idaho State Police personnel received their $1,000 “Defend the Police” bonuses last Friday.
       Governor Brad Little announced in May that he would show our law enforcement that Idaho “backs the blue” by providing the $1,000 hazard pay bonuses to more than 360 commissioned officers and regional communications center personnel at the Idaho State Police.

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