Saturday, June 4, 2022

World Economic Forum's (WEF) Desire for the Nations


I had heard about some of this, but had allows thought it seemed far-fetched.  Nope.  These wankers just tell you straight-up their agenda and desires.  Well, gosh, thank you!  

In 2016, the World Economic Forum (WEF) published several “predictions” for the future, a sort of summary agenda to let people know the religious direction of the globalists’ plans. This was done in two formats. One was a video (above), which was also discussed in greater detail on the WEF's website, the other was an article written by a Danish WEF contributor, Ida Puken published in Forbes magazine Nov 10, 2016 .  Her article is a cheerful, utopian fantasy propaganda piece that is wholly  disconnected from human history and genuine, honest reality.  So, really, it's jus' lockstep with the WEF dogma.

These "experts" or "specialitsts" (aka Humanist Priests) must be opposed and exposed...   Constantly.

The fight for Freedom -- i.e. living in God's will and ways -- never abates, and is eternal until history is consummated by the King.

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