Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Democrats Strategically Voting as Republicans

Well, this is disconcerting and pathetic. Ultimately, not surprising though.

It is confirmed that principled, committed Dems truly do, and ARE, voting for Republicans in primaries and general elections. 

The Spokane-Review recently had a whole article on this movement.  

Here's a pull quote from the article:    

"Jared DeLoof, executive director of the Idaho Democratic Party, said while he expects only a small number of Democrats will ultimately vote in the GOP primary, the discussion is a sign of how desperate some left-leaning and moderate voters are feeling.

“There is a lot of talk about it, that is for sure,” DeLoof said."

It must be said that Liberals, generally, work from, and are committed to -- as good little catechized Evolutionists -- the principle of the End Justifies the Means.  This is a warmly embraced, atheistic doctrine encouraging the worship of their god, Chance, and his wife Chaos.  

And you may be asking yourself, "Atheistic doctrine?  Then worshipping a god, Chance?  Dude, that doesn't make any sense."

Uh huh. Exactly. 

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