Monday, April 25, 2022

More Help in Dismantling the Flossing Chicanery

Sheesh.  Sometimes it's difficult always being right about the things that really matter...

Take flossing your teeth for example.  I have maintained for years (seriously, YEARS) that flossing ones teeth adds no health benefits whatsoever and is a worthless activity.  It is a thinly veiled, intentional ruse put out there by the folks in the Teeth Industry to separate you from your money.  Nothing more than that.  I spoke about all that here on this blog back in August 2016, and then reposted it again at: I Knew it. Flossing Doesn't Do Diddly. 

Now, here again, comes out an excellent article helping dismantle the flossing canard at Epoch Times: 

Enjoy.  And just quit already.

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