Saturday, May 15, 2021

I Knew it. Flossing Doesn't Do Diddly.

This is a repost from August 2016.  I noticed quite a number of hits lately on this post, and I thought I'd pull it out of the closet and give it a fresh coat of paint and set it out on the shelf for some of the new viewers who haven't been blessed with knowing the reality that flossing hasn't been shown to give any health benefits.  

Now, if you enjoy the feeling of swinging your hands on your teeth, well, just keep going at it. Rock on.  BUT if you're doing it because you've convinced yourself you're a goodie for obeying the "science", well, stop and read the linked article below.

One of my passions is to put the crony flossing industry out of business (only half joking..), and spread the liberating news of it's phony claims; therefore, I submit to you this post once again.

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I don't floss, haven't flossed, and don't plan on flossing my teeth/gums in the future. That's because I always thought the claims to be dubious and just another ploy to separate you from your money.

And today...   I found out I'm right.

Check it out:  Medical benefits of dental floss unproven

But here's a few highlights because they're jus' too delightful:
"When the federal government issued its latest dietary guidelines this year, the flossing recommendation had been removed, without notice. In a letter to the AP, the government acknowledged the effectiveness of flossing had never been researched, as required."

"The AP looked at the most rigorous research conducted over the past decade, focusing on 25 studies that generally compared the use of a toothbrush with the combination of toothbrushes and floss. The findings?  The evidence for flossing is “weak, very unreliable,” of “very low” quality, and carries “a moderate to large potential for bias.” "

Uh huh.  Yep.  They ain't wrong.

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