Saturday, September 18, 2021

Let us Turn to the ONE who Can Save

Peter Leithart recently wrote this below in his email newsletter of the Theopolis Institute, and I thought I'd pass it on.  I agree.

Friends of Theopolis,

The past year and a half should have demolished our illusion of control.

The world locked down to stop the spread of a virus, without counting the costs in drug overdoses, untreated diseases, shuttered businesses, despair among isolated children, starvation in poor countries.

And it didn't work anyway. The virus slipped past our masks and our plexiglass shields. It escaped our bubbles and our barriers and kept infecting and killing people, especially the old and unhealthy.

A few countries still think they can eradicate Sars-CoV-2. They'll fail. Many labor under the fantasy that the jab will save us. It won't. We're going to have to live with this virus. We have to learn to live in a world we can't control.

That is, we have to learn to live in the real world. We've never been in control. Solomon knew this and taught that "all is vapor" is the beginning of wisdom.

Our vulnerability can drive us mad. Or it can drive us to the One who shepherds the winds and directs the vapor.

Peter Leithart

September 7, 2021

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