And YHWH God said, “It is not good that man should be alone."
Genesis 2:18
We humans that bear the IMAGE -- either saved or in rebellion -- innately love to gather and eat together. Our Creator designed us to eat and have leisure time together.
It is, of course, a time that is infinitely more meaningful than merely consuming calories to sustain our bodies, otherwise we'd do the activity in private most of the time in order to conserve those calories. But we don't, do we? And why's that?
We don't for many reasons, but one reason specifically is because we -- both believers and nonbelievers -- are renewed in our hearts, our spirits, and are encouraged by fellowship through meals. Now, as indicated, this can be a godly fellowship (or communion), or ungodly/fallen fellowship.
I believe this is why Scripture holds forth the paradigm of the agape meal as the central reason, or the "congregating factor", for meeting on the Lordsday (Acts 2.41-42, 46-47; 20.7 – 1 Corinthians 10.15-17; 11.18a, 20, 33 and see HERE and HERE and HERE for starters). Supping together orientates and turns our eyes to Him, and through one another we see Him and come to know Him more solidly and candidly.
But, see it now, it is all divinely coordinated through the instructing symbols of food and the time taken to chew it up; and by the means of knowing how to rightly fellowship together -- displayed to us in His Word -- He methodically opens our hearts to the deeper knowledge of where true living life comes from, and Who it is that sustains us and not what it is that sustains us.
Christ is interested in washing His Bride, and that His People "grow up" to become His dwelling place (Eph.5.25-27; 4.15; 2.22) . And He does this primarily through gathering us to worship and celebrate over a Divine Meal: Bread and Wine.
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