Monday, April 27, 2020

Several State of Washington Sheriffs are Balking

Here's a great article (Washington sheriffs) on why your local, county sheriff is so important, and why a sheriff should know and understand the US and state constitution without merely being a patsy for the governor or big city mayor.  The article is long, but the first several paragraphs are very informative.  It is by a man in Washington named Darrin Smith.  I found it on the Ron Paul Institute website.  

HERE is the Idaho statute for the county sheriff.  They are elected by the people of the county and not appointed, which is really crucial.  That means his first priority is to serve and to be accountable to the people of the county in which he is sheriff, and not to the dude who got him the gig.  
         The sheriff is the one who will enforce an edict / new law or he won't; he's the one who will make an attempt to implement a law by a governor a reality or not. The "buck" stops with him because he may be the last line of defense. That is why that man must be a man of stalwart, virtuous resolve.  A man with a back-bone and with no fear of man.

I also wrote a blog post back in July 2016 entitled "Police Work" concerning how our local police will, among other things, become more precious and important in protecting Constitutional liberty in the days ahead.  That was four years ago and we are seeing that tested in real time right now.

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