Thursday, April 30, 2020

Idaho Stay-imprisoned Update: Being Released and Reopening

Well, well, well, look at us Idahoans, we're being let out.  The Great Nanny has graciously started all the healthy folks slowly "reopening" (what are we, a store owned by the State?  Hmm?? Well, yes that IS the predominant view even among "conservatives", isn't it?) with starting stage one -- of four -- of being released from our unlawful house arrest, and using its Marxist management skills to ease the squeeze it arbitrarily place on private, nonessential businesses.  

In reality, what we're witnessing is The Great Nanny stealthy backing out of the room toward the rear door with a Colt .45 trained on us, and cooing, "Careful now, no sudden movements, I'm VERY concerned for you and I don't want any of you to catch The COVID."

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