Monday, April 20, 2020

Idaho Stay-Imprisoned Update

Rathdrum's #1
Well, if one was to take a guess as to what area of Idaho would receive the first citation for not obeying Governor Little's home imprisonment order for those-who-are-healthy-or-not, you'd likely guess north Idaho, and...   you'd be correct!

I am pleased to report that right here in our own backyard we have the first misdemeanor citation by Rathdrum's very own Peter and Christa Thompson 

Nanny State Patronizing
HERE is a gentle directive from the Great Nanny giving us sophomoric instructions to help us not hurt ourselves when we go outside to the big  "pway ground".  Ya know, not too long ago -- in those frightening, unsupervised olden days -- it was known as the "outdoors" (kinda sends a chill up the spine doesn't it?).

Pushback Occuring in Boise
There was a protest rally at the capitol in Boise which seems to have been primarily organized by Idaho Freedom Foundation  This is an encouraging sign, and makes my heart glad knowing I'm not the only one seeing this as demagoguery and self-inflicted suffering.  Here is an article with pictures covering the event: Boise Shutdown Protest, 4/17/20

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