Sunday, April 19, 2020

Statist Filth being Revealed

"The filth under the snow the sun soon discovers." 
          -- English proverb

And jus' so we're all clear on this, these men below are not the snow and they are not the sun. 

-- This video shows New York mayor, Bill de Blasio advocating New Yorkers snitching on those who aren't "social distancing" by sending the city pictures.

-- Here's a video of New York governor Mario Cuomo during a COVID-19 briefing on April 13, 2020:  "The number is down because we brought the number down. God did not do that. Fate did not do that. Destiny did not do that. A lot of pain and suffering did that.”  Start at 39:00 to 40:40

--  Here is a video of Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear warning churchgoers and others on Friday, April 10, 2020 that if they attend an in-person Easter “mass gathering,” their license plate will be recorded and sent to local health departments, and a representative from the health department will then come to their door and advise that they will be required to quarantine for two weeks.

-- Below is New Jersey Governor, Phil Murphy, with Fox News Tucker Carlson where Carlson asks Governor Murphy where he gets the authority to usurp the First Amendment of the US.  Start at 10:00.

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