Monday, May 23, 2011

Revelation by Flannery O'Connor

Are you a high to middle class American?  Are you also a Christian and have been for say, 10 years or more?  If so, you absolutely must drop everything you are doing, or about to do, and sit down and read the fictional, short story Revelation by the late, great Flannery O'Connor.  It is around 15 pages in length and can be found online HERE 

Read it and when you're done ponder your perceived virtues and cherished idiosyncrasies.  Then prepare to get a bit dirty, bloody and honest, and examine yourself with the Word as the scalpel. 
Here's a couple of grieving and deeply haunting questions I found myself asking: "How often do I hold these "virtues" of mine up as the standard in harsh judgement of others made in the triune image of God?  How often do I act as though I'm the one "in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge"?  (Colossians 2:2-3).  

Yeah, read it and let Spirit do His work.

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