Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Maplebar + 2 strips bacon = The Good Life

No, your eyes are not misleading you, these really
are maplebars with two strips of bacon on top. 
It goes for a mere $1.96 at DK Donuts (not the
national chain) in downtown Boise located
at State and 13th. They just recently started
selling these novelties, but beyond these they have,
in my opinion, the best doughnuts in the Valley.
I snapped this pic from my cellphone after securing
for myself a fine apple fritter for the morning rounds. 


  1. Mark says: Do they have one with Easy-Cheese injected into it?
    Be seeing you.

  2. I keep coming back to this one-

  3. Just went to Voodoo donuts in Portland for the first time this weekend on our 'staycation' and had one of these babies...sounds gross...but it is not.

  4. ummmm, I actually worked at that store years ago.....the graveyard shift. I wouldn't touch........well, maybe I would try one bite.
