Saturday, April 30, 2011

Vaccines for Children and Aborted Fetal Cells

       This may be a bit startling and disturbing for some of you reading this, but many -- and most -- of the vaccines currently used for children were developed and created by using tissue from quite a number of aborted babies in the 1960's.  My wife and I have known of this disturbing fact for roughly two years now, but despite that fact we are convinced that vaccines --when ethically developed -- are a good and kind gift of God given to us in the slow, painful, joy-filled dominion of Earth by God's image-bearers.  And with that in mind, our hope is that this blessing wouldn't be rejected nonchalantly for any ol' reason.  At the same time though, we're certainly not dogmatic on this point because we do know other godly friends and relatives who have been thoughtful on this as well, and have decided not to have vaccines administered to their children.
       So, what can someone do when ya want them but most are hideously developed using aborted babies? 
Well, what Racheal and I have been doing sense the time we found out about this is deliberately asking and searching for vaccines that have been developed through animal cell "lines" rather than aborted ones.  This is no easy task though!  The animal developed vaccines are becoming more and more difficult to find, but it can be done with a little work.  Racheal and I see this pretty clearly as our Christ-centered, ethical duty to do, and thus far we haven't been thwarted.
      What this really is though, is nothing less than another small link in the long chain of rebellious, idolatrous man's fained attempt to continually degrade and erode our triune God's image in this world.  And I think that Christ's baptised People should be up for opposing this just as ardently as any other injustice done here in Christ's Kingdom, and we shouldn't be taken off course by those who say this is just small and inconsequential, or use the argument that "its for the greater good".  Rather, at bottom, this is flagrant disobedience to God's Word (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Exodus 20:13), and fallen man's pathetic attempt to erase the image of their Creator wherever they can.

       For an elementary intro to all this start here at, then go to the website Children of God for Life and lastly to K.N.O.W. Vaccines for a list of all the current vaccines developed through aborted babies, and the alternatives.

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