Monday, March 20, 2023

RePost: Ease & Mammon #6

#4 -- Heath insurance:  We need to start "owning" our health care by getting back to a personal, first-relationship contact in care and billing.  The multiple, disconnected bureaucratic billing procedure is what is corrupting, and has corrupted, the practice of healthcare for everyone.  

Perhaps get to know your local natural supplement provider-counselor.  Take charge of your health.  Fix what's simple and certain.  And, by-the-way, if ya got a life ending disease, that's what ya got; don't cause untold thousands of dollars to come from "somewhere" (i.e. other people's pockets, otherwise known as Medicaid and/or Medicare), or go into massive debt just to stay alive for a year or two more!  

Rather, take your direction from our Master when on the cross He refused to be drugged in His last moments, and don't take your cues from our worldly medicated society telling you that old age and death can be avoided.  Believe in the sovereignty of your all-wise, loving King.  Don't you believe you'll be resurrected?  If you really do then what's the problem???

Originally post Sept.10, 2016

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