Sunday, August 21, 2022

Headline: "Nearly Two Million fewer Students have Enrolled in Public School"

Now, what's the word I'm looking for... is it "winning"?

(I had to include this video, couldn't help myself.  And just for the record, I do not think President Trump caused or somehow "did" this wonder of families leaving the State schools.  The video just harmonized so nicely with Christ winning and Evil in retreat.)

This is excellent, Christ-be-glorified news!  The Halls of Humanism are getting a beat-down.  Praise the King! (The demons of Hell just heard another wood splintering sound as an axe just busted through the front gate, Matthew 16.18)

Article referenced in my title is just out at The Hill

And here's another out of Californication from April 2022 that I hadn't got around to including.  Reported in the LA Times:  California public school enrollment spirals, dropping by 110,000 students this year

Boy, o boy, between this and the recent Dobbs decision by SCotUS, it is not boding well for our brethren in the Rapturist (i.e. dispensationalists) and premil camps.  Sad.  But that goes hand-in-glove with their eschatology -- sadness and despair, that is -- so I imagine they're fine.  

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