Monday, July 11, 2022

The Flubs of Resident "Plugs" Biden (and how he might be an actual A.I. Stage Prop)

Let's just keep this one around of Plugs* for posterity, shall we?  

Why I want to keep these is because I know in several years when this guy is just another forgotten bag of tyrannical hot air, American folks will begin lamenting of how cruel and unloving it was for conservatives to have said he was "losing it", and was merely a puppet being used by deviants of the Left, etc., etc.  

Those folks will begin to invoke the nebulous idea of the glorious and sacred "Office of the President" where it is only truly great men whoever can, or did, hold that position, and join it up with that half-baked, religious dogma that Americans (aka "the democracy) are never, ever snookered by lies because "democracy" always knows and chooses best...   blah, blah, blah, blah, blahahhhh.  (Demos is an idol)

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And just for giggles, let's keep this one below around too.  This gem is where The Resident flubs his reading of his teleprompter lines by actually reading the instructions that say "Repeat the Line", and does so with some real panache completely devoid of any self-correcting awareness.  

Just wholesome, good fun.

* "Plugs" was Maha Rushie's (Rush Limbaugh) favorite nickname for Joe Biden.

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