Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Our Society's Capitulation to the Specialists: Ketanji Brown Jackson ain't no bIOloGisT!

Senator Blackburn: "Can you provide a definition of the word 'woman'?"

Ketanji Brown Jackson: "Can I provide a definition?  No. I can't."

Blackburn: "You can't?"

Jackson: "Not in this context, I'm not a biologist."
March 22, 2022: Senate confirmation hearings

Now, for the moment, let's set aside the looney reality that we've actually arrived at a time that this question needs to be asked, and too, that her answer is utterly absurd; rather let me land my opinion plane on top of this circus tent and offer my assessment as to why she has -- and in the moment believed she could -- "get away" with saying such foolishness.  The reason?  Our culture's idolization of the "Expert".  

The Specialist Class has been putting on some serious weight in recent decades, and that's due to our culture's culty, deification of "them".  They now have become so obese that all us serfs have been pushed right out of the Anything to Contribute house.   

As I wrote back in April 2020 that one of the ingredients of why the Covid scare was having such success was because of     
"Our idolizing specialists and in turn the Specialist's god complex. We love deferring to the one who has specialized in one unique subject, and they love that we do that.  They are the elite, and we -- the mushrooms of society -- jus' don't have the intelligence nor dat thar edgamacation to have any idea as to what they're talking about so we just have to trust, and defer, to them.  Think Squealer from Orwell's book Animal Farm.  Dr. Fauci is the poster boy for this concept."

This is why she can say such a preposterous thing because the vast majority of Americans fully believe the concept of deference to experts; it has become our presupposition through following another "word" other than God's (Genesis 3:1-6).  This, though, as unfortunate and corny as it is, happens to be a beautiful, high definition example of how ideas have consequences, and how they take shape within our lives.  

Always remember, friends:  We are constantly being shaped and formed by a "word", as individuals and as a culture, and that word is either the Word of Christ -- i.e. all of Scripture -- or it's a imposter and must be rejected.  

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom." (Colossians 3:16)

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