Saturday, December 18, 2021

A Covidian Worship Song: Dr. Francis Collins


This "christian" -- Dr Francis Collins -- has conveniently retired at the acme of the heat of "gain of function" proof coming out, which he had his hand in as he was the National Institute of Health (NIH) director at the time of all the funding.  An interestingly side-note is that he was appointed director in 2009 by President Barak Obama.

Here he is singing a Covidian worship song.  I'm dead serious too.  This "christian" man dedicated his precious time to composing, and then singing about, the glories of his obvious idol, Science.

A few cheesy, deranged lines for ya to chew on:  
"Somewhere past the pandemic, no quarantine, we'll all stay well and healthy, thanks to a safe vaccine."

"Somewhere past the pandemic, we'll all hug our friends, and thank the people in Science who brought the pandemic End."

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