Thursday, November 11, 2021

Discovering a Sovereign State's Backbone (Hint, it's Right #10)

This old guard, administrative order from Alaska is what we need more of.  

I included the intro below, but you can read the whole order from Alaska's governor, Mike Dunleavy, HERE.

States need to simply nullify the D.C. despotic over-reach; just flat out ignore it.  To do so though, they must first be liberated from the binding chains of "free", fiat DC cash.  The States have become flabby and fat with the easy, wealth debasing money; we all, Idaho included, need to get into fighting-trim shape, and that comes with discipline and denial of the soft, easy life.  

Hopefully, that's what's up in Alaska!  Three cheers for Dunleavy, march on amigo!

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November 2, 2021

"I, Mike Dunleavy, Governor of the State of Alaska, under the authority of Article III, Sections 1, 16, and 24, of the Alaska Constitution, hereby order state agencies to take the actions set forth herein to protect the sovereign authority of the State of Alaska and guard the Constitutional rights of individual Alaskans from federal overreach.


Recent actions and statements by President Biden attempt to control the health and welfare of Alaskans; an area clearly within the sovereign authority of the State of Alaska under the Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. (“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”).

Neither the President nor the federal government may arbitrarily claim authority from Congress in order to violate the Tenth Amendment. If Congress has not passed clear and specific legislation authorizing action, the federal government cannot impose its will on States and their residents.

Similarly, the federal government cannot take actions that violate constitutionally-protected rights of individual Alaskans. This includes the right to freedom and liberty, the right to privacy, the right to free speech, the right to assemble, the right to be protected from unreasonable searches and seizures, and the right to the free exercise of religion. These constitutional rights preserve individual freedom and liberty from tyranny and federal control. Such rights are incredibly important to Alaskans."........

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