Thursday, August 5, 2021

Update: VAERS Covid19 Vaccine Death Data up to July 23rd, 2021

From the 7/23/2021 release of VAERS data:

Found 11,940 cases where Covid19 Vaccine is administered and Patient Died

< 3 Years30.03%
12-17 Years110.09%
17-44 Years3362.81%
44-65 Years1,24510.43%
65-75 Years1,57413.18%
75+ Years4,25235.61%

VAERS is an acronym for "Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System".  It is connected to the US Health and Human Services agency (HHS), and is how the U.S. Government collects reports of adverse health events that follow the administration of a vaccine.  Find the VAERS data easily accessible at MedAlerts.  VAER website is:

At the first of April 2021 the death toll from Covid19 vaccines was 2,200, and now we are at 12,000 (to see that 2,200 number look at my April 8th post on VAERS HERE).  That's 2,400 per month since April!  So, gut-wrenching and wicked.  This is murder at this point.   

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