Sunday, August 8, 2021

Resident Biden acknowledges Shamdemic is Over


Well, currently the US has 328 million people in it, so I'm supposing the Resident -- with his universally unquestioned razor sharp mind -- is folding into his 350 million number the millions of murdered children since Roe v. Wade in 1973.  Perhaps?  Why wouldn't it be that?  Yeah, in fact, as I reflect on it a bit more I'm certain past abortions can be counted as Covid vaccinations because while those infants may be dead they aren't currently carrying the Covid virus now are they?   I know this type of categorizing to be true and right because all of our local, State, and National Gov'ments have shown us these past 18 months that any death can be subsumed under the Covid category, and so I presume that's likely what Uncle Joe is doing here with this Covid vaccinations category. (The astute reader will see I'm endeavoring to faithfully employ the dominate neo-common sense of our time that is preached through the religion of Humanism.  I know, it's not perfect, but I'm trying.  Please be patient.  To learn more about Humanism go HERE.)

Okay then, let's do the math (old pre-CRT style), 328 million Americans currently live in the 50 sovereign States united with one-another (it's not The United State after all. Right?).   Alright, then let's add the 60 million murdered infants since 1973 and that equals 388 million.   Hmm. Well, nope, that's not it either.  I'm sure he knows though because he even double checked and looked at the number on a paper to make sure he got it right.  

Well, in the final analysis, I agree with the Resident, the US is certainly "doing fine" and is in the clear because we've all been "vaxxed" -- either through a jab (iffy) or naturally (certain).  

Well, that's a relief.  I'm glad that's over.


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