Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Ease & Mammon 8: Getting Out of the House

#5 -- Opt out of Social Security and Medicare:  Send back the checks after you've received what they took from you, er...oops, you "saved" with the fascist government.  Don't factor in inflation, don't justify receiving a cent over what you "contributed" during your slave-wage years.  If you do you're merely stealing from your grandchildren and loading them up with debt in order that you can be comfortable.
     And Medicare, just opt out of A, B, D, all of it (and yes, you CAN, they endeavor to make it sound as if you cannot but you definitely can.), but be warned if you do, they'll cease SS payments. This, of course, proves right there that the SS money isn't actually your's, and is actually a marxist subsidy (there's the cheese! don't take it! step away from the mouse trap!), but good riddance.  In other words, don't plan on either.  This goes back to your kids (see Life Insurance above).

(Please reference Ease & Mammon 3 to get the full background as to why I'm suggesting this measure.)

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