Saturday, September 24, 2016

Ease & Mammon 11: Getting Out of the House

#8 --  Rethink sending your Children to a State College:  It may be cheaper, but they are a bastion of demons.  Wake up.  And, by-the-way, make damn sure the "christian" college is what is says it is (i.e. christian), because 9 outta 10 aren't.   The debt alone is flat out insane.  Our generation of fathers and mothers may have to make the difficult choice of just not having our children go on to college at all. We may have to start apprenticeships and teaching rigorous ways of self-teaching.  Our times are dark, but this doesn't mean hand-wringing and whining, rather it calls for wise, bold, radical steps as we follow our King.

(Please reference Ease & Mammon 3 to get the full background as to why I'm suggesting this measure.)

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