Monday, September 7, 2015

I'm Standing with Kimmy D.

Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, 
but those who keep the law strive against them.
Evil men do not understand justice, 
but those who seek the Lord understand it completely.
      Proverbs 28.4-5

You've probably heard by now about Kim Davis the county clerk in Kentucky that will not issue marriage licenses to sodomite couples.  I hope you have because her story is extremely important to understand.  If you don't know much about it, here is the breakdown.

I'll keep it brief.  I believe she is doing the right thing as a person in a position of power (a "lesser magistrate"), and standing up for a Higher Law that stands over man's law.  Man's law (well, actually, in this scenario it is only a judgement rendered in one specific case, it is not a law at all!) in this case, is out of accord with Yahweh's Law concerning sodomy, and when confronted with the usurpation of Christ's Law in the civil government of any locale, a Christian must say "Nope, not here. Not happening."  (I refer you to Daniel in the OT and Peter and John in the NT, and if you have no idea what I'm talking about, well, you should probably just stop reading at this point.)  

If you are in such a position -- be it a policeman, city councilman, mayor or county clerk -- you stand for those you are to represent in your sphere of "ministry" (see Romans 13.4) which has been delegated to you by the Creator.

Now, the irony is that she's complying with a 2004 Kentucky constitutional amendment that was passed by 75% of Kentuckians concerning marriage that states: 
"Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Kentucky. A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized."
So, this isn't about "freedom of conscience" primarily, it is of course connected, but we're dealing with authority and leadership here, and if the leaders in authority over you are not bowing the knee and kissing the Son-King you must do what they were supposed to do ("Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying, “Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.” Psalm 2

And she certainly ought not resign and just go somewhere else where she can "practice her faith", because that Wicked P.C. Wolf that shamed her into resigning will follow her (and us), and will "strangely" begin showing up at our private businesses too, and then our congregations, and then our homes, and then all we'll have left is your private little hearts which is exactly where the Lord of the Flies wants our faith to stay!

No, this is a friggin' battle not a pie eating contest, and Satan is all-in because his crushed head is ailing him and he knows his time is limited.  This dear woman is showing us that grace has a backbone and she is actually showing-up most of the soft, pansy, "Christian" men on the internet that I've read that would either resign or just issue the license!  Those idols of Ease and Mammon continually show up don't they?  (As an aside, I don't think the civil government should be in the marriage business at all, but this is what's in play right now).

This act of valor is the practical, real-life outworking of the epigram "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men (or women) do nothing."  THIS is real discpling the nations, THIS is where it happens, THIS is what that cool "mission" idea of Jesus' looks like in living color! It doesn't just happen in a quiet, controlled church building or a relaxing, non-confrontational Bible study.  

These are the times that you actually stand and show who your Master is.


A few excellent articles on the subject:
Kim Davis is doing what every Christian magistrate should

Some Sober and Needful Thoughts on the Defiance of Clerks in Kentucky

Constitutional Experts Reveal The Fate Kim Davis Could Be Facing- And Why She’s Doing The Right Thing

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