Sunday, June 28, 2015

All Education is Religious

Well, I finally got around to sending in a reply to our local newspaper the Idaho Press Tribune in regards to one of their board editorials.  They wrote a piece entitled "How to Handle Religion in Schools" and I made the required 300 word rebuttal showing that their underling premise, or presupposition, was built on a myth; and, eureka!, they actually published it.  They earned my respect because I really didn't think they would have done it after what I wrote.  It's nothing much, but it was fun to write.  These small things, though, are the little means, or tools, the Spirit uses to change hearts and then cultures. You can read my reply HERE or below (the original version),

In rebuttal to IPT’s editorial board opinion on 6.14.15 entitled “How to Handle Religion in Schools” I would assert that religion – in any context – is inescapable.  There is no place (metaphorically or otherwise) of neutrality in the realm of learning and/or teaching concerning what is right and wrong, good or bad, righteous or sinful.  To assert that there is such a place of neutrality comes from the land of fantasy and myth. 
      Unfortunately, your opinion piece is likewise built on the mythical presupposition that “religion” is somehow non-existent in the State schools, as though they or It is a vacuum of Neutrality.  The fact that you actually view the institution of the State school this way shows just how well all of you (and myself for that matter) absorbed the moral and religious teaching inculcated to us by the civil government’s education system.
       That’s because it IS teaching religion and that religion has a specific name: Secular Humanism (i.e. Practical Atheism), and the core moral/religious doctrines that are taught EVERYDAY are:  #1) Ignore the Creator.  He may safely be disregarded without any consequence to your present life or eternal destiny.  #2) God is unimportant and irrelevant in everyday human affairs. He has no place in your studies, lessons and education. #3) Religion is only to be understood in terms of believing in a Supreme Being(s) and meeting to observe ancient rituals, otherwise you’re not religious.
       This is NOT neutrality, rather it is a coordinated, antagonistic attack upon Theism in general, and the Christian faith in particular by taxing us in order to subvert and liquidate historic belief in King Jesus.  This is diabolical and should be dissolved as soon as possible.  All educational opportunities should be voluntary and privatized (neighborhood or city co-ops, private schools, home education, etc.)
       In the final analysis, the question is not: WILL religious education be taught in our State schools?  Rather, it is:  WHICH religious education will be taught in our nation’s school system?
          C.E. Ankeny

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