Saturday, December 20, 2014

R.C. Sproul (senior) on Public Education

Question:  Do you agree with your son's (RC junior) view on government schools?

R.C. Sproul (senior):  "That's not an issue that I crusade about.  However, parents ultimately bear the responsibility to see to it that their children are educated in the fear of the Lord.  Given the pagan nature of the public school system, I would think that any discerning parents would not place their children in such an environment.  Knowingly to turn them over to such a pagan system would be sin. But it's mostly a sin of ignorance.  Most folks don't know the true nature of the public schools.  I agree with RC jr's basic assessment, that Christian parents have a responsibility not to send their kids into that environment."

    -- excerpt from P & R News interview, Sept. - Oct. 2000
         R.C. Sproul, Sr. is a pastor and renowned teacher who started Ligioner Ministries

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