Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Recently Viewed Films I'd Recommend

Here's a couple of evocative films I'd strongly recommend for your viewing pleasure.  First, Make Way for Tomorrow is a 1937 doozie of a film concerning an elderly couple who are forced to separate when they lose their house and none of their five children will take both parents in.  If you're struggling and/or contemplating what to do one day when your parents are too old to earn a living or care for themselves, you should watch this.  Really great.
       The other is a "bookumentary" Notes from the Tilt-a-Whirl named after the book published a few years ago by N.D. Wilson, and let me just say upfront  for the record, if there was to be one film I'd recommend to someone endeavoring to grasp what exactly "cruciform mirth" is and what my philosophy of the Trinitarian life looks like, it would have to be this film.  It is jam-packed, saturated in cross-shaped joy, through and through. 
       Notes from the Tilt-a-Whirl stars Nathan Wilson, the author of the book Notes from the Tilt-a-Whirl and is a delightful romp through what it is to cherish, live, and revel in Jesus' World and our part to play in it.  The cinematography is interesting and unique, and Nathan has many wonderful, challenging things to say through it all.  Good form Nathan, Beloved Independent and Gorilla Poet.  Stellar work.

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