Friday, April 15, 2011


  1. Congratulations on another child for the King! -Lis

  2. Brother Ankeny,

    Of long has oft been told,
    Blessing of babes in thy abode.

    May our Lord count to thee all joy,
    Immense blessings of thy new boy.

    Many a diaper must thee fold,
    Nay, a young mind must thee mold.

    These 40+ weeks in the womb,
    Now in thy loving arm to hold and groom.

    May it not be of thy burden shiver,
    Of such rapture within thy quiver.

    Ye seek, ye know of His sacrifice,
    That ye may live for our God Thrice.

    Not two, not four, yea, six plus one,
    Thy family united in our blessed Son.

    Our prayer for thee, oh, beloved friend,
    That in your toil,
    that of thy spoil,
    that absent of foil,

    to thy cherished son,
    to thy beloved children,
    to thy covenant wife,

    may thy love descend.

    Your Brother In Christ

    See you @ Church on this our Lord's Day [4/17]

  3. Praise the Lord!! Congratulations on your newest little blessing!!

  4. Great pic of the "boys"! Congrats.
