Friday, September 5, 2014

Concerning the "Leaving" of a Church

Dear friends,
The widely used term "leaving a church" by Christian people is a very unfortunate one indeed.  It conjures up images of committing adultery and forsaking promises that break up families.  Sadly, this term is often pulled out and used by leaders in churches when a person talks of disassociating with a certain congregation and perhaps being devoted to another fellowship of Christians. Please, don't let yourself be shamed by such language.  I say this because it is merely framed terminology that is nothing more than a ploy by the church establishment to induce guilt and protect the status quo (i.e. pay for property and salaries).  It is complete and utter nonsense!  If you've been adopted into the Church through faith than you're not "going" anywhere.
     Rather, what you are doing is merely deciding to commit yourself to another fellowship within the Family of Christ that you think is more appropriate.  (Now, hopefully such a thing is being done for godly reasons, and you've bathed the decision in prayer, dialogue, and Bible meditation.)  I believe this more accurately describes the life and maturation of Christian disciples, and it doesn't have the pejorative undertones attached to it that leaving, or forsaking, do.

Grace & peace,
Uncle Corey

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