Friday, October 14, 2022

Pfizer Exec Admits they didn't know if The Jab actually Worked

Deep, calculated, intentional nastiness aimed at the serfs.

On March 16th, 2020 I posted on this blog a picture of a flyer addressing the Covid outbreak that was spot-on:

But our pontiffs of propaganda, our doctors of deception, our mahas of misinformation saw BIG opportunities abounding and proceeded to use their skillsets to the uttermost:

And yet, eureka! here is the Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla on Twitter in April 2021, and then August 2022.  Yep, here's your Follow the Science specialist that knows more than you do mushroom man.  What a wanker. 

Now, as seen clearly by independent thinking people who were not willing to go along with the madness of the crowds, we were given vindication of all this Covid chicanary to be PRECISELY the canard we knew was being played on the Public.
      Here it is in the video below: Pfizer president of International Developed Markets, Janine Small, admitted at the European Parliament on October 10, 2022 to Rob Roos, member of the European Parliament for Netherlands, that the Covid "vaccine" elixir was never tested during trials to see if it prevented human-to-human transmission.   Surprised?  No?  Nor was I.

Here is Rob Roos following up on that interchange at the EU Parliament.

And here is Tucker Carlson breaking it all down with Rob Roos.

But the people in our civil government knew this, but despite knowledge of all this, they were going on national television advocating coercive laws and decrees to be implemented to force US citizens to submit to a Covid poison shot!  This is treasonous, deranged and demonic.

Case in point, here is Squealer — best known by the character “Dr. Fauci” that he plays on TV— doing just that in an interview from August 10th, 2021:

And here is Dr Deborah Birx, who in March 2020 was appointed White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator.  She was incessantly telling us to wear masks and get vaccinated, but in this video from July 22, 2022 with Fox News host Neil Cavuto she admits she knew the "vaccine" wouldn't work: 
"I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection and I think we overplayed the vaccines, and it made people then worry that it's not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization."

And the excuse that Janine Small the Pfizer gal gave of "we were in a hurry, don't-cha know" (i.e. "the speed of science"), will not bring back all those dead people, nor all those who are maimed who took the poison juice into their bodies on the pretext of trusting the "following the Science" (All Bow!) gibberish and our "specialists" who portrayed themselves as reliable and blessing us with The Truth.  

Ladies and Gentlemen, our civil governments are too expansive, bloated and disconnected; they are not serving nor being held accountable for their mistakes nor their outright SINS.  We MUST reduce the size, scope and reach of our bureaucratic civil governments and bring back local, small structures because ours are completely and utterly unhinged, and alarmingly depraved.

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