Friday, August 27, 2021

Sadly, We Need a Law for It...

Idaho representative Ron Nate is heading up a call to get the Idaho legislature back into session to stop these meaningless, draconian "vaccine" coercions within the workplace.

Visit his site STOP Forced Vaccinations in Idaho to sign the petition, and then send an email note to House Speaker Scott Bedke at

Here's what I sent him, and my reps as well.  Freely copy and send to yours.

House Speaker Bedke,

It's time to stop this derangement in Idaho over employers threatening Idaho employees to take a perilous, and in the final analysis, utterly USELESS "vaccine", and if they will not they are to be terminated.  

This is pure lawless paranoia and vile discrimination against innocent citizens; unfortunately it was started, and is being spread, through Idaho's largest medical institutions which are subsidized by civil government funds (taxes and fiat Federal financing).  And, as I'm certain you know, that is commonly referred to as Fascism, the unholy cooperation of private business with State intervention.  In other words, this is far from being a "private", free market movement, and thus it needs to be corrected immediately.

Apart from the Fascism problem, Idaho citizens should never be coerced and terrorized to act against their own conscience by doing something unnatural and violent to their physical body, and if they resist they are punished through losing their livelihood they have striven hard for.

Please do your part to call the Idaho Legislature back into session in order to help bring just law (i.e. freedom), based upon Scripture, back into our Republic of Idaho and stop this madness.


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