Saturday, April 17, 2021

Some News on the News


Friends, Family and Blog visitors,

All of us really need to begin to wrestle with how the constant, inane, dogmatic Mainstream Propaganda Media (MPM) directs and shapes us, and how trivial, far-away, minority reports of gloom and doom are detrimental to us.  

Unfortunately, while most conservative minded Americans have expressed genuine distrust of MPM for a couple of decades now, and even recently hit a new historic low in their trust in MPM, we still are succumbing to their inculcations.  

What I mean is this:  While we say "I don't believe the MPM" outta one side of our mouths, we are with the other side saying, "Turn on the TV" and then proceed to imbibe the secular brainwashing.  

So, what's going on here?  Addiction.  Yes, addiction.  There is no other explanation.  Just like a person who rationally understands that she is an alcoholic and that too many alcoholic drinks are unhealthy and sinful, that person can't just simply say "No" anymore.  The "thing" has it's hooks in her heart and is dragging her away to death.  Why?  Because she has given herself to it and placed her trust in it and it now controls her.  Just as alcohol is a good, creational thing, so too is newly communicated happenings and ideas, but the part when it will either be a joyful blessing, or begins to become an idol, is how we exercise discipline and denial with it thereby putting that thin in its rightful creational place.  And that place is off the idolatrous pedestal, and sitting well-behaved right next to you at the dinner table.

All that to say, I'm advocating for the enjoying of The News with discipline just as you would a whiskey sour.  Both are not evil, and both can to be wisely enjoyed.

Let us who are followers of the Risen King break it and repent of our idolatrous trust in the word of man.  

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