Sunday, April 18, 2021

Police Women: A Portent to Secularism's Death

These two twitter videos below are pitiful.    

Police women in Canada

Police women in Belgium

And add to those the recent homicide of Daunte Wright by police woman Kim Potter, and the reality that female humans -- women -- are working out in the "field" on police beats is reprehensible and truly sad.  The ones created to cultivated beauty, foster health and love, and give themselves to supporting their covenant head (husband) in his leadership are morphing into she-men throughout the West.  This is merely one more confirming sign that western culture is in the iron grip of its death throes, and the reigning religion -- Secularism (ie. Practical Atheism) -- is thrashing around with its few remaining breathes endeavoring to take anyone and anything it can down with it.  Its followers are grabbing for anything that'll give it a few more moments to live.  

Godless Secularism is pushing every last blinking button on the Secularism board and activating each one of its pathetic, demonic ideas that it's had in its darkened mind.....  

Transgenderism button?  Activate!  

Infanticide?  Activate!  

Destroy the creational family structure?  Activate!

LGBQwhatever?  Activate!  

Corrupt and undermine the integrity of US elections?  Activate!

Foment violence and hate between all people groups?  Activate!

Climate Apocalypse Paranoia?  Activate!  

Communism?  Activate!  

Claim a virus will kill us all and that only The State can save us?  Activate!

Send everything we have!  


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